Our Greatest Accomplishment

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In recent years, we’ve increased subscriptions to our Just.Glass recycling services, doubled our employees, and decreased our overhead. All great things, right?

However, our greatest accomplishment of all is sharing in the personal triumphs of our employees!

Cheryl got her driver’s license reinstated. For 15 long years, Cheryl struggled to find transportation to work, the store, the pharmacy—anywhere. She had made some wrong choices and lost her license. Determined to earn back the privilege of driving, Cheryl dedicated herself to her job, studies, and staying out of trouble. Her efforts paid off. Based on her years of gainful employment with Justice Industries, a clean record, and her ability to pay the $130 reinstatement fee—Cheryl now drives herself to and from work!

Howard has an emergency savings fund—for the first time. Before his employment with Justice Industries, Howard was living hand to mouth—never having enough money for medical or other emergency needs. Howard chose to take advantage of Justice Industries’ emergency-fund benefit, and have a small amount withheld from each paycheck. Today, Howard has a significant amount in savings.

Alex fought hard to get his voting rights restored. Following his incarceration, Alex lost his right to vote because of a court error. After long years of fighting through government bureaucracy, Alex’s voting rights were restored. His tenacity, love for democracy, and his outstanding employment record with Justice Industries demonstrated to the court Alex’s character.

Justice Industries builds self-sustaining companies like Just.Glass that employ and empower people like Cheryl, Howard, and Alex who are working hard to break the cycle of unemployment and poverty. The Just.Glass curbside recycling program impacts the Nashville community by 1) reducing CO2 emissions and 2) providing employment for the unemployed.

We’re thankful for that kind of accomplishment!

Sign up for curbside recycling services or donate to Justice Industries today!

Ellen Peterson